ABout Crocodilians

See you later, alligator. After a while, crocodile.

Now Open! Take a trip to the Zoo to see these remarkable reptiles at our new exhibit, Alligators & Crocodiles: The Fight to Survive presented by Central Indiana Honda Dealers.

Revered for their unmatched strength and respected for their tenacity, alligators and crocodiles are among the most impressive reptiles on the planet!

Not only are these some of the largest living reptile species, they’re also among the oldest. Crocodilians originated more than 200 million years ago. With their scaly, armored bodies, sharp teeth and massive tails, they resemble the dinosaur relatives they outlived.

But how will you tell our closely related reptile species apart? The answer is right on the nose! Crocodiles have a long, narrow snout while alligators sport a broad, shovel-shaped snout.

Who’s at the Zoo

American alligator and Orinoco crocodile

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Average Size
10-16 feet
200-800 pounds
Native Region
Southeastern U.S. down to South America
Eating Habits
Fish, turtles, small mammals, frogs, birds and smaller reptiles
Orinoco crocodiles are critically endangered
Distinguishing Characteristics

Alligators have broad, u-shaped snouts. Also, their bottom teeth fit neatly into upper jaw sockets, so only an alligator’s top teeth show with closed jaws.

Did You Know?

American alligators are the largest reptile native to the U.S. Once on the brink of extinction, courageous conservation efforts has brought this species roaring back.

Alligators are the most cold-tolerant of the crocodilians and can be found in our heated outdoor pool year-round!

Distinguishing Characteristics

A crocodile has a snout that's long and narrow. They also show off all their fierce teeth when their jaws are closed.

Did You Know?

Found in rivers in a small part of South America, Orinoco crocodiles are among the largest predators on the continent. The species is critically endangered due to habitat loss and pollution. You can support Orinoco crocodile conservation by participating in our 2021 Round Up for Conservation at our Gift Shop.

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Come see for yourself.

Look no further. Connect with our amazing animals and learn about the wild places they come from.

Where are they at the Zoo?
Alligators & Crocodiles: The Fight to Survive is located on the Zoo's west side, near the Plains entrance.
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