Coracias cyanogaster
Blue-bellied rollers are birds that have a footlong wingspan. They live in western and central Africa, in woodlands or open areas near trees. Holes in trees make a great place for these birds to lay two or three eggs and raise their young as mother–father pairs. They live in small flocks, perching in trees and flying down to the ground to hunt for prey, usually insects and larger animals such as reptiles or small mammals.
Blue-bellied rollers get their name from their dramatic courtship displays. They roll in the air while flying, and then tumble to the ground, all while making loud calls to get the attention of another bird!
Blue-bellied rollers are not threatened with extinction, but their populations are decreasing because of pesticides and deforestation. You can help protect forests by choosing sustainably sourced paper and wood products. Look for the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) logo!