KBA Webinar 3

Mar 07

KBA Webinar 3

Professional Development Webinar

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Monitoring the status of Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs)

Key Biodiversity Areas can be gazetted as protected areas because of their global significance, but this is not always necessary. It is likely many will be identified for OECM status and guide where OECMs might be established. At a minimum KBAs need to be monitored and a monitoring platform is being developed to enable this and build on BirdLife’s IBA monitoring programme. One aim of the KBA monitoring is to develop a measure of the proportion of KBAs in favorable condition which would be used as an indicator for CBD and the SDGs. In this session, the ways in which SSC can engage in KBA monitoring will be discussed.

Webinar Lead: Olivia Crowe, Global Science Coordinator, BirdLife International

Registration: Morning, Afternoon