Aardwolf in grass: mammal conservation
Conservation Focus

Mammal Conservation

Roles and Threats

Habitat loss is the number one threat to mammal diversity affecting over 2,000 species worldwide. Mammals in certain regions are also hunted for fur, food, or medicinal uses resulting in a reduced population. There are over 5,000 mammal species and nearly one-quarter of the world’s mammal species are known to be globally threatened.

See what the Global Center for Species Survival is doing to help mammal conservation in the wild and in the care of zoos and aquariums.

Justin Birkhoff Bio Photo

Justin Birkhoff

Mammal Conservation Coordinator

Justin has been working in the zoo and conservation space for over ten years, where he has focused on the intersection of in situ and ex situ conservation efforts. His experience ranges from animal husbandry to collection management and planning. Justin is a firm believer in the integrated IUCN One Plan approach to conservation, making his role as the Mammal Conservation Coordinator a phenomenal fit. He has a passion for connecting communities with conservation and supporting conservation practitioners in maximizing their impact.